Take charity (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them; and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. 9:103
ICN serves as a channel between its members by receiving and distributing charity to the needy.
You can use the links below to pay your Zakat or submit an application to receive Zakat assistance.
Have Questions? Please email, call or text 615-385-9379.
Paying Zakat is a religious obligation for Muslims, and is the third of the five pillars of Islam. In Arabic, Zakat means purification, growth and blessing. It is a charitable practice that requires all able Muslims (those who meet the requirement of Zakat Al Mal as dependent upon nisab and hawl) to contribute 2.5% of their wealth, to help the needy. Paying zakat is meant to remind Muslims to be appreciative of the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon them, and to help empower those who have less. If you want to learn more or how to calculate your Zakat Al Mal, you may check out Zakat resources at Zaytuna College.
Zakat al Fitr, also called ṣadaqat al-fiṭr, is an obligatory charitable payment by the head of the household for each dependent in the family, before Eid al-Fitr prayer. The zakāt al-Fiṭr amount is generally considered to be one ṣāʻ of staple food based on a narration of the Prophet SAW. Fidyah is a payment made per missed fast if someone is not able to fast in Ramadan due to medical conditions or any other valid reasons such as a prolonged illness, and will not be able to make up the fast. The fidyah amount is “ṭaʻāmu miskīn” (Qur’ān, 2:184), or “feeding a poor person [each day].” Kaffarah is a charitable compensation made by Muslims for intentionally breaking any fasts during the holy month of Ramadan, without a valid reason. More information can be found here.

Zakat Application Process:
Individuals and families needing financial support must complete the online form before any assistance can be granted.
The reviewer will confirm the application is complete and contact the applicant to conduct the interview to assess their "need" and eligibility requirements.
The reviewer will work with the Shura to make a decision based on the facts, information, and documentation provided.
If approved, the reviewer will contact the applicant to notify of approval and inform them of the disbursement to the 3rd party. In cases of denial, the reviewer may contact the applicant to inform them of such.
Zakat Assistance Policy:
Applicants will need to completely fill out ALL required sections of the Zakat application and attach ALL required supporting documentation. Applicants may be required to present additional supporting documents.
Applicants may be disqualified for assistance if knowingly provided false information.
Applicants affirms themselves (and their household) to be eligible for “Zakat” according to the Holy Qur’an (9:60).
Applicant understands that the maximum approval amounts for an entire year are $200 for individuals and $500 for families. Any exception needs explicit approval of the EC or designated committee (Shura).
The requested assistance will be disbursed in the form of payment(s) to 3rd parties for basic necessities such as rent (including utilities), burial expenses, food, shelter, transportation, or medical expenses.
The process may take up to 10 days for approval and disbursement. Applications are reviewed in the order they are received with necessary documents.
NO checks may be written out to INDIVIDUALS.
NO CASH or GIFT CARDS may be given out to anyone as Zakat.
Zakat assistance is limited to applicants in Middle Tennessee. Please contact your local center if you are not a resident of Middle TN.
ICN will put forth its greatest efforts to provide the best possible assistance based on the individual's circumstances. Interfering factors include Zakat regulatory constraints, limited or unavailable funds. The decision made by the Zakat Committee will be final and it will not be provided in writing.
ICN has permission to verify information provided by the applicant from appropriate sources. Applicant understands that the Zakat application and supporting attachments will remain confidential.
Applicant is responsible for reporting Zakat assistance to the IRS and other government agencies.