God said in the Qur’an:
O mankind, indeed We have created you from a single male and a single female and made you into nations and tribes so that you may get to know one another. Indeed, the most honored of you in the sight of God is the most righteous.
Indeed, God is All-Knowing and All-Acquainted. 49:13
In additional to serving spiritual needs of Nashville muslim community, ICN provides educational opportunities for people of other faiths to learn about Islam and their muslim neighbors in Nashville. Schools, organizations, churches, individuals and community partners, visit ICN on a weekly basis, as well as our leadership regularly speak to groups such as K-12 and universities, workplace, law enforcement and interfaith collaboration throughout Middle TN.
To learn more about, you may visit to observe a Friday Service, or attend a Coffee with Imam small group discussion or join an Islam 101 lecture.
2515 12th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37204
Attire: Please note that since many people ask us about proper attire while visiting the mosque, we suggest avoiding shorts, short skirts, crop tops, tank tops, or similar attire because the program will be taking place inside the main sanctuary/ prayer hall. We also remove our shoes at the entrance of the mosque before entering the main sanctuary, similar to entering a yoga studio.
Phone: (615) 385-9379
Operations Manager: operations@icntn.org
Resident Scholar
Sheikh. Ossama Bahloul, Ph.D. imam@icntn.org
Media Contact
Rashed Fakhruddin (Dir. of Community Partnerships) rashed@icntn.org
Executive Council: ec@icntn.org
Board of Trustees: bot@icntn.org
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Community newsletters (Weekly newsletter and regular mosque announcements, prayer time changes, event informations, and prayer requests)
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ICN Inreach Programs and Event Registration (Sh. Ossama WeeklyEducational Programs, Young Professionals Programming, College Students Programming, New Muslims Programming, Sisters' Programming, and Special Events).
Outreach newsletters (Quarterly newsletter and occasional announcements/press releases for our community partners/organizations)
ICN Outreach Programs and Event Registration (Visit a Prayer Service, Islam 101 class etc.)
Use this request form to:
Request Dua for Shifaa (supplication for healing)
Request Dua for Maghfirah or Share details about passing of an individual (supplication for those who deceased)
Share good news of newly weds, birth of children, completion of hifz programs, academic achievements, graduations, awards, career achievements, etc.
Submit an advertisement for the ICN Community Classifieds: free stuff, for sale, housing, employment, and similar types of listings for the Middle TN Muslim community.
Submit a suggestion, comment, or question. In order to help us serve you better, please use the feedback form with your positive or negative feedback and suggestions to improve.