"I visited the centre yesterday and found a great openness to share message of unity, love and peace which I had discovered. I am proud that the Centre in Nashville has become a beacon for understanding and sharing spiritual values. It was obviously money well spent!,” Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam), Sept. 2016.
This message reflects the outreach and bridge building work that ICN has been involved with! Cat Stevens was a major donor in 1979 that helped in the start of the Islamic Center of Nashville, located on 12South.
The mission of the Community Partnerships Committee for ICN is to develop long lasting positive and meaningful relationships with individuals and organizations in the Nashville community that will help form partnerships and foster a better understanding of Islam and the Muslim community.
The ICN welcomes group visits to our center to learn more about Islam and feel the mosque experience. ICN offers an Islam 101: Understanding Your Muslim Neighbors in Nashville one hour class, which covers the basic tenets of Islam while addressing the common misconceptions, elephant in the room questions centered around Jihad, Women and Sharia.

Meet Rashed Fakhruddin, ICN's Director of Outreach and Community Partnerships
Rashed, an engineering supervisor by profession at NES, is the director of community partnerships at ICN. Learn more about Rashed
Some of the partnerships and collaboration that ICN has fostered include:
12 South Neighborhood Association, Belmont-Hillsboro Neighbors, Belmont University’s Room In The Inn, Family of Abraham (FOA), Interdenominational Ministers Fellowship (IMF), Organized Neighbors of Edgehill (ONE), Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, Nashville Organized for Action and Hope (NOAH), Nashville Reads, PENCIL, South Nashville Fellowship Community Dev Corp., Tennessee Immigrant & Refugees Rights Coalition, Vanderbilt University – Chaplain’s Office, You Have The Power, YWCA (eliminating racism & empowering women)
To cite an example of a beautiful partnership, ICN, Belmont University and Congregation Sherith Israel are in its 7 th year of collaboration with the homeless project of Room In The Inn, working together weekly for 4 months every winter.
On the average, ICN hosts one group visit a week throughout the year. People from all sorts of organizations, from many non-profits, universities, chamber, mayor's office, media, professional sports, fitness, school, law enforcement, etc., including neighbors and celebrities, have been by the ICN.
ICN helps conduct diversity tours for cadets, universities, etc., while conducting teachers workshops for the major universities with teaching programs, as well as for educators in our school district.
Besides regularly entertaining visitors to learn about Islam, we hold several major events, which include our annual Diversity Brunch, which has drawn almost 1,000 attendees in the past, our annual Black History Month event and our Ramadan Class/ Dinners program, where we offer around 6 class/ dinner programs during Ramadan, allowing an opportunity for visitors to break bread with the Muslim community.
Those gifted with knowledge see that what was revealed to you from your Lord is the truth; and it guides to the path of the Majestic, the Praiseworthy. 34:6.
We are delighted to welcome groups to the Islamic Center for an open question and answer discussion. We believe in freedom without limitations and it is a given right for each person to speak their mind. We guarantee respect and we welcome disagreement.

Exalted is Allah, the True Sovereign. Do not be hasty with the Quran before its inspiration is concluded to you, and say, “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”20:114
Following are some of recent class series/topics that the Islamic Center of Nashville offered via zoom and in person recently.
Q&A Discussion on Fiqh Issues: Designed to answer questions received through emails and highlight critical fiqh issues for Muslims in the West (Every Fridays)
Sisters Halaqah (Every Thursdays)
Raising Children Series
Prophet Ibrahim(AS) Life and Legacy
The Journey From The Grave To The Ultimate Destination: A Comparative Perspective
Class topics/schedules are updated regularly and announced via weekly newsletters/text services. Please register for updated class schedule and zoom links.
NIA is the largest and only AdvancED accredited Islamic school in the area that serves students from Pre-Kindgergarten to 9th grade. Students come from many surrounding communities within Middle Tennessee.
NIA was founded in 1995 under the leadership of the Islamic Center of Nashville (ICN). In 2004, the school recharted as an independent, college preparatory, Islamic school. While the school is a separate, nonprofit educational entity, it is still affiliated with the ICN, and the property is owned and operated by ICN.
Through the summer of 2012 and the 2012-2013 school year, the school community, went through an overhaul of its entire academic program and the accreditation process, and was granted accreditation with AdvancED in the spring of 2013. In 2016, NIA revamped its mission and vision to become a model Islamic Whole Child school.​ In 2018, NIA received dual accreditation from AdvancEd and CISNA (Council of Islamic Schools of North America).

Weekend school program is operated in ICN Bellevue campus by Education Committee.
Classes: Quran and Islamic Studies
Location: ICN Bellevue Mosque prayer halls
Address: 7337 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN
Ages: Children above 5 years old
Time: Saturdays and Sundays - 9:30-1:15
(Please enroll your kids, even if they can attend only one day)
Fees: $60/month (Scholarships available)
Understanding an unmet need within the community, ICN developed this program for creating a network of Muslim Young Professionals in middle Tennessee through a variety of activities for fostering the next generation of leaders.
Monthly activities included educational sessions, social events, volunteer projects and fun activities!
To join the GroupMe group or to get communications from the Young Professionals group regarding upcoming events and volunteering, networking opportunities, please complete the form here:

ICN is actively engaged with muslim students from local universities, including Vanderbilt MSA, Tennessee State University MSA and student groups from Belmont University and Lipscomb University. ICN Bellevue campus has several youth activities scheduled throughout the year.
ICN is a sponsor for Nashville MIST competition:
Learn about Youth Leadership program in Nashville offered by AMAC:
Learn about Youth programs in Greater Nashville area organized by Anhar Institute: