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Suspension of prayer services at ICN 12 South and Bellevue facilities until further notice


AsSalam Alaikum ICN Family, In light of the current situation, the CDC’s announcement, the President’s announcement advising people to limit gatherings to no greater than 10 people, and with the ruling of many jurists locally and globally the Islamic Center of Nashville has decided the following:

Friday Congregational Prayer outside the masjid Cancelling the Friday Congregational Prayer in the masjid does not mean that you cannot perform the prayer. According to Al-Jumhor the majority (Al-Hanaf, Al-Shafaia, Al-Hanabila), the prayer can take place outside of the masjid. In terms of how many persons it takes to qualify, the schools of thought will vary. One of the recognized opinions is that 3 men may constitute the minimum number of persons to hold the prayer. Therefor, if you have three men, with the Imam included in that number, you can pray Jummah.

Instructions on how to lead a Jummah prayer To make it easy, Imam has included the following Khutbah with instructions on how to lead a Jummah prayer.  • The Imam will greet with AsSalam Alaikum  • Another person will make the Adhan  • The Imam will start the khutbah  Khutbah  All praise be to Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the servant and messenger of Allah. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad, his pure and noble family, his companions, and all those who follow them till the Day of Judgment. 

O you who believe! Revere Allah with due reverence, and do not die except in Submission.  O believers, among the many blessings of Allah is our family. In a time where many of us are spending more time together, we are to remember the value and role of each member. Parenting requires that you protect your children from bad influence and unethical behavior; and to nurture them both spiritually and physically. One of the best ways of influencing your children positively is by being an example. We urge you, therefore, to establish good and kind communication with your children. Your attempt to change their behavior must be done wisely.  We also recommend that you know their friends as friendship is very influential in their life. Resolve their problems with leniency and kindness. May Allah reward those who spend their times with their children raising and guiding them to the right way. We should all be mindful of our beloved prophet’s practice of helping his spouse. Parents working collectively is what our religion expects from us. It is also important for children to recognize the love and care that their parents provide each minute of their life and to show appreciation. A family that works together achieves the most individually and as a group. May God watch over and strengthen our families.  Then do the following steps:  • Sit down  • Start the second khutbah All praise be to Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the servant and messenger of Allah. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad, his pure and noble family, his companions, and all those who follow them till the Day of Judgment. In this time of uncertainty, we put our trust in Allah and we seek comfort from our belief. Believers are always in a state of tranquility because part of our belief is that Allah is always watching over all of us.  • Make a dua for everyone  • Conclude the talk  • Someone makes the iqamah  • Pray 2 rakah together  May Allah make it easy for us to pass this difficult time. 

Please read here Full Statement from Imam Ossama Bahloul PhD (March 18 2020) and Statement March 17 2020 , on this matter shared previously.

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