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Jummah Salat on January 7th


AsSalam Alaikum,

InshaAllah ICN 12S will hold Salat-AlJummah tomorrow at 12 PM & 1:00PM

Kateeb: Sh Ossama Bahloul

Topic: The Fiqh for Performing Islamic Rituals during Extraordinary Circumstances.

For those who cannot drive safely due to age, conditions, house location, or have a valid excuse to miss Jummah tomorrow, may pray Zuhr in their home.

If you wish to view the Khutbah, both services will be broadcast live over Zoom.

Please drive extremely cautious. Roads will be very icy and very dangerous. May Allah protect everyone.

Zoom info :

Meeting ID: 861 9679 5126

Meeting Password: 121592

Thank you!



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