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Lend The Support Your Masjid Needs This Ramadan 1445/2024: Together We Can Make An IMPACT In Our Community

Writer: ICN AdministrationICN Administration

Dear ICN member and family, Assalamualikkum,

Your continued generosity to the masjid through donations is deeply appreciated. Your support is crucial in enabling the organization to fulfill its mission as a center for Islamic Knowledge and Spirituality, as well as a bridge-builder for fostering understanding of Islam and Muslims in Middle Tennessee.

This year's Operations fundraising goal is $119,613. Invest in your community and help your masjid continue to make a positive impact by making a tax-deductible donation or pledge today.

Your contributions are making a difference, and we invite you to review the year in review below to see the impact of your support.

Bismillah, Let's continue to make an impact this Ramadan!

Budget your giving by setting up a recurring ("Sustainer") online donation

Make a one-time donation online now by Bank Draft or Credit/Debit Card

Pledge now and then pay later by Check, Online, or Cash.

Your Donations Make an Impact

Highlights of how donations were put into action in the past year and big plans for the rest of this year!

Thanks to our generous donors and volunteers, ICN is able to focus on its core mission and accomplish many achievements through:

Being an epicenter of Islamic Knowledge and Spirituality

  • 200+ community classes & webinars by Sheikh Ossama through multi-week educational programs like, 'Harmonizing Hearts', 'Inheritance and the Islamic Will', and more! 9+ events planned including graduation celebration and community halaqas on various topics. Help strengthen and enrich our community!

  • MYP Programming reaching 550+ Muslim Young Professionals in Middle Tennessee: 40+ in-person & virtual events in Ramadan through Weekly halaqas, Bonfire, Qiyam, and Masjid Beautification Projects. 70+ events planned including health & wellness activities, professional development mixers and networking events, homeless supply drive, mental health check Ins, social activism and more. Invest in our future leaders!

  • New Muslim Programming reaching 90+ members: 30+ events planned including monthly New Muslims Class: A Guide Through Islam, monthly luncheons with Sh. Ossama, social events, collaboration events with MYP & our Outreach dept, social activism and philanthropy, and more. Support our new brothers and sisters!

  • College Student Programming reaching members across multiple universities like Vandy, Belmont, TSU, Lipscomb, and Meharry: 10+ events planned including Halaqas with Sh. Ossama, professional development & mentorship partnerships with MYP. Invest in our future leaders!

  • Provided Iftar and Suhoor to 3,000+ members during the holy month of Ramadan and hosted 4,000+ community members for the Eid Al-Fitr prayer. Multiply the rewards of your fast!

  • Seniors Programming reaching members 60 and older: 10+ events planned including monthly luncheons. Support our elders!

Building Bridges and Increase Understanding of Islam and Muslims

  • 45+ presentations on Islam through the outreach & dawwah program 

  • 2,000+ visitors to our center to learn about Islam

  • 1,500+ Qurans and Islamic Materials furnished to visitors, local institutions, and state-wide prisons

  • Providing cultural training and educational materials to strategically equip our educators, health care workers, and law enforcement teams with what they need to serve the Muslim community. 

  • Provided cultural education to the general public through events like the Palestine Exhibit & 101, Diversity Bus Tour, and more. Support outreach & dawwah!

Helping Those in Need

  • Assisted 60+ local individuals and families through the Zakat Fund 

  • Helped provide transportation for the homeless through Room in the Inn partnership

  • Helped feed 10,000+ insecure people in the Horn of Africa through the Amoud Foundation

  • Helped provide emergency relief to vulnerable people in Morocco, Palestine, and Turkey affected by natural disasters and humanitarian crises. Give charity to the needy!

Improving Facilities 

  • Graveyard improvements through land development to increase burial spaces, survey to identify & outline exact burial spaces; Implemented a streamlined service request process. Invest in our final resting place!

  • Implementing sustainable practices toward Zero Waste year-round with composting, compostable supplies, and saying goodbye to Styrofoam and Plastic! Support sustainability!

And Much More!

By the mercy of Allah SWT, it has been a special year, and insha'Allah with your support next year will be even better!

"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain that sprouts seven spikes. In every spike there are 100 grains, and Allah multiplies for whom He will. Allah's will is embracing, all-knowing." (Qur'an 2:261)

May Allah reward you and your family for supporting the ICN!

Jazakum Allah Khairun

Ghani Hashimi (President)

for Islamic Center of Nashville Team




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