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ICN Weekly Newsletter


As-Salam Alekom All,

Please check out ICN Weekly Newsletter for the upcoming Programs and News:

- Friday Jumma at ICN 12 PM & 1:00PM - Sh. Ossama Bahloul , In person at ICN, 2nd Khutbah would be streamed live on Zoom - Weekly Programs - Monday Nights | Prophet Ibrahim (AS): Life and Legacy. 9 : 00 PM - Friday Nights | The Expressions of The Quran Followed by Q&A Session 8:00 PM - Wednesday Nights | Sister's Weekly Halaqa 8:00 PM - Special Programs: - 9/11 DAY OF SERVICE FOR AFGHAN REFUGEES, this Saturday - Support Our Children's Education this Sunday | AMAC Program

Zoom info : Meeting ID: 895-2094-3230 Meeting Password: 066453

Thank you!



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