Alhmadulillah ICN will reopen for Jumuah service on 6/5/20. To have a safe, healthy reopening there are some safety measures in place. The CDC and state guidelines recommend small gatherings, therefore, only limited worshipers will be able to attend prayer at a time. Jumuah will still have the regular service times of 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. To attend, one will need to register. A registration link is here. Please review the opening procedures outlined in this email. We need your help to make reopening a safe and success. We hope to keep the masjid open but that can only happen if we all do our part. JazkaAllahu Khair for your help and understanding.
Guidelines from Imam Ossama Due to the limited capacity of the masjid, after implementing the requirements, we ask that all members adhere to the following:
It is not allowed Islamically for anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 to attend and pray Jummah Prayer or any other public gathering, even if they are without symptoms.
Members that are not required to pray Jumuah (ie. children, travelers, women, etc.) should not attend in order to allow space for those that are required to pray Jumuah.
Those that are categorized as vulnerable (ie. 65+, chronic disease, etc.) are excused from attending Jumuah Prayer.
Persons who are caretakers to the vulnerable persons, are excused from attending Jumuah Prayer.
Jumuah Khutbah and Prayer will be shortened and will last no longer than 15 minutes.
For those unable to attend Jumuah Prayer Services, there will be a 30 minute Friday Reflections held over Zoom each Friday at 1:30 pm. ICN Masjid Reopening Procedure Open Hours Starting Thursday, June 4th
15 minutes before and after Fajr
30 minutes before and after Maghreb and Isha
30 minutes before 1st and 2nd Jumuah services
Friday Jummuah Salat at 12pm and 1pm.
Before You Arrive
Stay home if you have any symptoms, been in close contact with or have been tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
We encourage seniors and other vulnerable populations to pray at home.
Bring a mask and gloves
Register Online for Jumuah Service Prior to Attending
Make Wudhu at home
Arrive 30 minutes before prayer time for screening. If you don’t arrive on time, you will lose your registration spot.
Bring proper ID with you
Keep all bags and prayer rugs at home or vehicle.
What To Expect
Only one entrance.
Temperature checks and health screening questions required when you arrive. You will not be allowed inside if screening is declined.
Praying in designated areas only
6 feet Social distancing required at all times.
Mask or face covering (no vents) and gloves required at all times.
No handshaking, hugs, or kisses allowed.
Capacity will be limited per local guidelines.
Smoking will not be allowed on the premises including the parking lot.
Appropriate size paper or paper towel will be provided for sujood spot and disposed after prayer
All Qurans and books from shelves will be stored away. Please read using your device.
SAFETY POLICIES- PLEASE READ These rules are for ensuring safety for everyone. As we begin the process of reopening our masjid, the ICN 12South is implementing the following safety policies, in consultation with Imam, the local medical advisory committee, and the masjid leaders across Middle Tennessee, as well as the local authorities and national Fiqh Council in an effort to reduce the health risks for everyone attending. WE ASK YOU TO HELP US BY:
Staying home if you have any symptoms, been in close contact or have been tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
We encourage seniors (65+) and other vulnerable populations to pray at home.
Coming 30 minutes before prayer time for screenings. If you don’t arrive on time, you will risk losing your registration spot.
Making wudhu at home
Bring face mask (non-vented) and gloves
Upon arrival, go to screening station
Following instructions from staff and volunteers
Maintain 6 feet social distancing at all times
Pray in designated areas
Pray Sunnah and Nawafil at home
Use Bathrooms only for emergencies and must be sprayed with disinfectant after use.
No hand shaking, hugging, or kissing.
No smoking or eating on the premises including the parking lot.
Socialize outside of the masjid and prayer area.
Remind others nicely of the same policies above
Temperature and health screenings required before entering.
Spraying the prayer area, shoe area and hallways with disinfectant before and after the prayers.
Taking registrations for Friday Jumuah Salat
Issuing religious guidelines by Imam
There will be “X” marks in every row that designate where an individual can sit and can pray. The marks will be 6 feet apart in all directions, satisfying the minimum social distance requirement.
Appropriate size paper or paper towel given for sujood spot and disposed of afterwards
Wudhu area will remain closed.
Only 1 entrance will be allowed to facilitate screening stations.
Screening stations equipped with touchless thermometers and hand sanitizers. Trained volunteers will conduct screening.
Trained volunteers to escort attendees before and after Jumuah Prayer.
The masjid will only be open during designated times.
Shortened Khutba and prayers
No extracurricular activities including educational programs will be conducted on the premises. Alternative methods like Zoom meetings will continue to be used.
***In the event of a local outbreak for any one local masjid, the ICN will be immediately closed for deep cleaning and reevaluation. In the event of a surge in the number of Covid-19 cases, ICN will be closed till further evaluation***