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ICN 12th South Reopening Update (8-5-20)

  • ICN 12th Ave South is reopen for Friday Jumuah service at 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. The masjid WILL NOT be open during other days.

  • To attend Jumuah, register weekly. Registration opens every Monday and those registered will receive a confirmation email every THURSDAY.

  • Registrations links are sent out weekly on Mondays to ICN email list. Please email for more information on registration and links or to be added to the email list.

  • FRIDAY REFLECTION: For those unable to attend Jumuah service, you can listen live to the khutbah at 1:00 pm. After, you will prayer your 4 rakat DHUHR salah

Please Note: The following message pertains to ICN 12th Ave South Only AsSalam Alaikum, Since the challenges with the pandemic began we have continued to concentrate on the health and safety of our members and community while being mindful of the principles of the Sharia. Both issues have led us to constantly be in touch with the Fiqh Councils, as well as, the Medical and Scientific communities. In the beginning, we closed the center in accordance with both the Medical community and the Davidson County government. We reopened with a high level of concern for how the community would accept and respond to the personal protection and necessary precautions that the Muslim Physicians Committee requested in order for us to reopen safely. We should all be proud of how our brothers and sisters followed those expectations and worked together to keep our community safe. We closed the facility two weeks ago when the Muslim Physicians Committee expressed concern over the number of Muslims diagnosed with Covid within our community. Since our closure, we spoke to the head of the Infectious Disease Department at Vanderbilt and discussed the safety procedures of the ICN. Yesterday, August 4th, the Muslim Physicians Committee released a statement encouraging each masajid to take its own decision while being mindful of the risk. We at ICN are currently weighing the following: 1.The risks of transmission of Covid will not be zero in the coming months. 2. We will most likely continue to battle Covid over the next year. The ICN Team has reached the conclusion that we will reopen the facility for Friday prayer only with additional precautions. We will once again close if the cases within the Muslim community reaches a high level. We want people to understand that though we are opening with procedures in place, we continue to ask the vulnerable and the women and children to continue to pray in their home. The Middle Tennessee area is a large area and each Islamic Center deals with its own set of circumstances. While some may be open, others may do what is best for their community and set of circumstances and may remain closed. For those attending, ICN prayer will be 15 minutes from the beginning until the end. The ICN Team continues to value and appreciate the wonderful efforts of the Muslim Physicians Committee. May Allah continue to bless and watch over our community. ICN 12th Ave South Team


Guidelines from Imam Ossama

Due to the limited capacity of the masjid, after implementing the requirements, we ask that all members adhere to the following: 

  • It is not allowed Islamically for anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 to attend and pray Jummah Prayer or any other public gathering, even if they are without symptoms.

  • Members that are not required to pray Jumuah (ie. children, travelers, women, etc.) should not attend in order to allow space for those that are required to pray Jumuah.

  • Those that are categorized as vulnerable (ie. 65+, chronic disease, etc.) are excused from attending Jumuah Prayer. 

  • Persons who are caretakers to the vulnerable persons, are excused from attending Jumuah Prayer. 

  • Jumuah Khutbah and Prayer will be shortened and will last no longer than 15 minutes.  



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