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Eid ul-Fitr Announcements


Updated: Apr 24, 2022

Eid ul-Fitr Is On Monday, May 2nd

Eid Mubarak to all!

Eid Salat will be held at the Tennessee State University Practice Facility, 1251 Schrader Ln, Nashville, TN 37209.

To accommodate those who have to attend exams or work, we will have 2 prayer times:

  • The 1st service will begin promptly at 7 AM, the prayer and talk will be completed by 7:20.

  • The 2nd service will begin promptly at 9 AM, the prayer and talk will conclude at 9:25.

1st & 2nd Salah and Khutbah will be lead by Sheikh Ossama Bahloul

Please come with Wudu for Prayers and bring your musallah.

Please follow all TSU parking and security staff directions, as they are part of the event, and know exactly where to direct you to park and how to enter the facility.

For the method used for determining Eid ul-Fitr, please see the following link.


Zakat ul Fitr is $12 Minimum Per Family Member

Zakat ul Fitr can be paid anytime during the month of Ramadan by using the link below. We encourage everyone to pay early so that there is enough time to distribute to those in need.

Help us distribute Zakat ul Fitr to eligible individuals and families in Middle Tennessee. If you know a person or family that is eligible for Zakat ul Fitr, Please contact


Eid Al Fitr Breakfast will be hosted by ICN Bellevue Mosque

Eid Al Fitr breakfast will be hosted on May 2nd at ICNBM (in the basement)

7337 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209

Time: From 10 am-1 pm


Eid Bazaar hosted by ICN Bellevue Mosque on April 30th

Calling all Vendors!

This event is on April 30th (two days before Eid).

Use the link if you would like to set up a table.



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