Eid Al-Fitr Is On Wednesday, April 10th
Eid Mubarak to all!
Please see the Fiqh Council calendar for the method used to determine Eid Ul-Fitr.
Eid Salat will be at the Tennessee State University Practice Field
Takbirat starts at 8:15 AM
Prayer starts at 9 AM (Sharp)
Salah and Khutbah will be led by Sheikh Ossama Bahloul.
Eid Breakfast will be at ICN Bellevue Mosque
Use the button below to download a copy of the Eid excuse letter.
Important Parking information for EID Prayers at TSU
Please plan your travel early to have sufficient time to navigate traffic, park at TSU, and walk to the facility.
Please follow all TSU Parking and Security staff directions, as they are part of the event, and know exactly where to direct you to park and how to enter and exit the facility.
Everyone coming from the West side of town on I-40 (Bellevue/West Nashville), is highly encouraged to avoid the traffic at Jefferson Street (I-40 exit 207) and Ed Temple Blvd, by taking the 205 exit, merging on Alabama Ave, left onto the 51st Ave N, right onto Centennial Blvd, Continue onto Dr Walter S Davis Blvd.
Entering the facility:
Please review the campus map below.
The main parking lot will be reserved for the elderly and disabled.
If you do not need assistance, please park in one of the three grass parking lots.
If you are coming via Dr. Walter S Davis Blvd, please use the main entrance to park in Grass Parking Lot 1 or Lot 2.
If you are coming via Schrader Lane, park in Grass Parking Lot 3.
Please do not park in front of gates or park blocking vehicle traffic.
Instructions inside the facility:
Please come with Wudu for Prayers.
No outside food/drink or candy will be permitted at the TSU practice facility. TSU will be charging a cleaning fee to those who violate this instruction.
The chairs provided are for the elderly and physically disabled. Please do not use them unless you are elderly or disabled.
Please do not congregate or sit near the doors or in the walkways.
Please follow the volunteers' instructions to ensure you sit and pray in straight lines without gaps.
Maqra'ah Class Khatam Al-Quran Dua on Tuesday, April 9th
Join us for the completion of the beautiful month of Ramadan with Khatam Al-Qur'an Dua (supplication) by Sh. Ossama for the Maqra'ah class.
Everyone is encouraged to Join!
Date: Tuesday, April 9th
Time: 30 minutes before Maghrib
Location: ICN 12 South (and on Zoom)
2515 12th Avenue S, Nashville, TN 37204
Click the link to join over Zoom: https://bit.ly/icn12zoom
MYP Eid Picnic & Potluck on Saturday

Join Muslim Young Professionals' for a picnic on April 13 at ICN Bellevue Masjid.