A daily special program during the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah
Reflecting on the History and Pillars of Hajj
with Sh. Ossama Bahloul PhD
8:30 pm over Zoom ~ 30 minutes daily
Islamic Center of Nashville wants to wish you an Eid Mubarak
Salah Al-Eid
July 20th, 2021 | Tuesday
Tennessee State University
Indoor practice field
1251 Schrader Ln, Nashville, TN 37209
Takbeer starts: 7:30 Am
Prayer starts: 8:30 AM sharp- ends at 9:00 AM
Coordinating Masjid: Masjid Al-Farooq
Please follow all TSU parking and security staff directions, as they are part of the event and know exactly where to direct you to park and how to enter the facility.
Please Note:
No outside food/drink or candy will be permitted at TSU.
If you have elderly or disabled persons, please drop them off at the prayer hall and continue to the parking lot.
Follow posted speed limits at TSU campus.
No smoking allowed in the premises.
Attendees must adhere to all COVID-19 precautions and social distancing restrictions.
Please, avoid congregating after the Prayer.
Please, come with Wudu for Prayers.
Please, follow all TSU parking and security staff directions, as they are part of the event, and know exactly where to direct you to park and how to enter the facility.
A print at home Eid Excuse letter for Work can be downloaded here: