Visit our new website to request assistance or to make a donation to support.
As Salaamu Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters
As you know, the Coronavirus pandemic has completely altered our daily life. In addition to people being unfortunately sick, many businesses have slowed or temporarily closed in order to reduce the spread of this new virus. As a result, people are hurting financially due to a lost of income. Families are struggling to make ends meet. As Muslims, we have a religious obligation to find distressed community members and alleviate their suffering.
This is why Nashville Muslim Care was formed. Together the Islamic Center of Nashville 12th South and Bellevue Mosque formed an ad hoc committee to spearhead the effort of assisting distressed community members. A new website, Nashville Muslim Care has all the details.
Those that are in need of relief, please visit the application for assistance page.
Those that would like to support this endeavor by becoming a valuable volunteer, please visit the volunteer sign-up page.
Those that would like to financially support this endeavor and alleviate the hardships of their fellow brothers and sisters, please visit our donors page.