Imam's ongoing classes for the community online via zoom link live at Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 7:45 PM; Wednesdays at Noon and Friday at 1:00 PM.
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, all classes have been shifted to an online platform. The Islamic Center of Nashville is inviting you to the following classes online via zoom.
20 Minute Friday Reflection
Fri. at 1:00-1:20 PM
(Not a Jumua'h equivalent; Needs to pray Dhuhr 4 Raka'h)
Tafseer Class Fri. at 7:45 PM
Guest Talk on Topics Pertinent to the Community
Saturday at 7:45 pm
Seerah Class Sun. at 7:45 PM
Fiqh Issues (Q&A) Tue. at 7:45 PM
Sisters Halaqa Wed. at 12:00 PM
Explaining the book Al Waraqt by Imam Al Juwayni This Class is in Arabic Wed. at 7:45 PM