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O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds). (Tawbah 9:19)

Apr 25, 2018
Food Diplomacy Draws Crowd at Nashville Islamic Center (TN Tribune 2018)
Tribune 2018) NASHVILLE, TN — Hundreds of people sampled tasty dishes from a dozen Muslim countries last Saturday at the Nashville...

Dec 31, 2017
Being Muslim in the US (Pew Research Center 2017)
This video offers a look inside the beliefs and attitudes of Muslims in America; it features data from Pew Research Center’s 2017 survey,...
Dec 31, 2017
Blessing Box Opens on 12 South (News Channel 5; 2017)
For many Nashville neighborhoods, poverty goes unseen but the need is very much there. Now, there's a permanent blessing box in 12South...

Sep 25, 2016
How Cat Stevens helped Nashville's Muslims find a home
(The Tennessean Sept. 26, 2016) Zainab Elberry remembers the day the check came. Trying to build a congregation and raise money for a new...

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